104 Dean Street, Suite #103 Taunton, MA 02780
Tel: 508-692-9548

Pre-Anesthesia Instructions

For your safety, ALL of these instructions must be strictly followed prior to commencing anesthesia. Neglecting any of these items may be cause to cancel that day’s treatment.
EATING AND DRINKING: It is imperative that the patient undergoing I.V. anesthesia has an empty stomach. Patients with morning appointments should not have anything to eat or drink from midnight the night before. Patients with afternoon appointments should not have anything to eat for 8 hours prior to the appointment and may drink clear liquids ( i.e. apple juice and water, NO MILK) up to 3 hours prior to the appointment.
CHANGE IN HEALTH: A change in health, especially the development of a cold or fever with congestion of the nose and/or chest is very important. Congestion of the nose and/or chest may compromise the airway. Please notify Dr. McCarty and your Dentist of any change in the patient’s health. It may be necessary to reschedule the appointment.
DESIGNATE A DRIVER: A responsible adult must accompany and provide transportation home after the procedure. It is recommended that they remain in the office during the procedures. Arrange to have a responsible adult with the patient until the next day to provide care as needed.
STREET DRUGS: The use of “street drugs” (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc) is strictly forbidden for several weeks prior to anesthesia and until full recovery is achieved. Literature has reported serious and potentially lethal complications when “street drugs” and anesthetic agents are mixed.